
The late Samir Habash founded United Travel in 1966, and together with his wife Aghavni managed United Travel. As Christians from Jerusalem, they brought a sensitivity to your groups’ faith needs as well as expertise in the travel industry. The business is now owned and operated by their daughter Dalia Habash, who personally organizes and hosts your group in the Holy Land and makes all travel arrangements from your home city. Our experience is that an agency and guides who share the faith do this best.

Dalia Habash attended Washington State University where she received her degree in Business Administration in 1993.

Contact Information:

United Travel, Ltd.
Hizma Road – Alley 7, Building 1 Apt 1

P. O. Box 44434
Jerusalem, 9144302
Tel.: +972-2-583-3614
Fax:  +972-2-583-6190
Mobile: +972-54-761-3668, +972-54-7862882
Email: info@unitedtravelltd.com